9th Pediatric Health Camp

Urjo conducted its 9th Pediatric Health Camp at Baghbazar Sarada Prathomik Vidyalaya, Baghbazar on Friday 15th November, 2024.There were 38 students ( 26 girls and 12 boys) who attend school from the nearby slums.
Dr Sutapa Konar, who has been doing Urjo's Pediatric Health Camps on a regular basis ( and we are grateful for her support), did the health check up along with dental check up and Urjo volunteers assisted her.The common ailments were malnourishment and worms. Free medicines were also distributed.
We also handed over token gifts to the kids - pencil bag sets and exercise copies with a bar of chocolate. It was rewarding to see the smile on their innocent faces.

The Camp in progress

Urjo's token gifts being handed over

The mandatory group pic

Felicitation to Urjo with a pen set.. handed over to the doctor